Guess who’s back?
Yes, that’s right, you got it, it’s former US Senator Alfonse D’Amato!
Since being prised from the US taxpayer’s payroll, he’s developed various ways of keeping his tonsils in the limelight, so it was no surprise he found the media when at the recent Vegas Global Gaming Expo trade show. It takes a certain type of personality to attract attention when surrounded by must-have consumer goodies showcased in America’s playground but, boy is Alf the man!
Bravely speaking against the advice of his spin doctor, he said he expects online poker to be reinstated in its US homeland by 2009.
Don’t want to hold your breath? Neither did the ex-Senator. His blether continued and hinted that imminent sanctions by the World Trade Organisation would shovel on the pressure to Congress to fold their unpopular anti-online gaming hand.
Word, words, words as Hamlet would have it. But wait! Alfonso is not just about boosting his media profile. Oh dearie me, no. He’s the political poster boy of the Poker Players’ Alliance and lobbies for legislation of its favourite card game. With camera conscious Alf in our corner, the Senate’s loss could yet be poker’s gain.
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