At first glance poker tournaments and actions of political upheaval appear to have little in common. One usually involves an angry mob intent on smashing the existing social structures and establishing a new order; the other is a revolution.
However the two activities may soon share one thing in common as the forthcoming EPT Polish Open at the Hyatt Regency, Warsaw, will not be televised. Interested spectators will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out and so will be forced to march to the casino to watch this €5,750 (approx) event. (Would-be revolutionaries confused by these similarities will be reassured that the casino’s dress code does not permit ripped jeans or shorts so they should not find themselves ponying up the big blind when they are meant to be tussling with the pigs.)
Plenty are expected to demonstrate their skills and last year’s winner Dane Peter Jepsen smashed his way through 283 stacks to claim the €325,633 1st prize. The party starts with free canapés, liquor and a DJ but the real action begins on March 11 at 2pm. The tournament may not have a theme song but rely on Eyebrows to keep you in the driver’s seat.
However the two activities may soon share one thing in common as the forthcoming EPT Polish Open at the Hyatt Regency, Warsaw, will not be televised. Interested spectators will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out and so will be forced to march to the casino to watch this €5,750 (approx) event. (Would-be revolutionaries confused by these similarities will be reassured that the casino’s dress code does not permit ripped jeans or shorts so they should not find themselves ponying up the big blind when they are meant to be tussling with the pigs.)
Plenty are expected to demonstrate their skills and last year’s winner Dane Peter Jepsen smashed his way through 283 stacks to claim the €325,633 1st prize. The party starts with free canapés, liquor and a DJ but the real action begins on March 11 at 2pm. The tournament may not have a theme song but rely on Eyebrows to keep you in the driver’s seat.
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