Here in London it is a day of disruption and chaos.
Is it because of a burst water pipe?
Power cut?
Guess again.
Terrorist attack?
Get real.
It is because of snow.
Overnight, we experienced a relatively heavy snowfall and the city is at a standstill. People are unable to get to work and everywhere there are signs of broken routines.
Lives disrupted can promote a time for reflection. As I contemplate the temporarily changed landscape, I spare a moment to wonder what the hell went wrong with my New Year poker resolutions.
Regular readers may recall that I decided to steal the UK’s five most common resolutions and adapt them to poker. They are:
1. Take regular exercise
2. Lose weight
3. Cut down on spending
4. Save more money
5. Learn a new skill
I intended to maintain my exercise pattern as I believe that a healthy body boosts concentration for poker. I pledged I would do more sit ups. I also stated I would continue to play badminton and enjoy a daily walk. It hasn’t happened. I think my busted physical flush has helped contribute to a lacklustre month at the tables.
I have been more irritable – that costs money. I have been more easily distracted – that costs money. In my only game of badminton, I ended up on my ass – that costs more than money. I cannot continue to allow myself to be floored by: the weather, the fact that my badminton opponent has just become a father and is avoiding the sports hall, or any other reason I concoct to help me deny that I have been a bit lazy. I must improve. I will improve. February will different and, at my current high levels of irritation, heaven help anyone who says otherwise.
One consequence of all of this inactivity is that I can now boast a more expansive stomach. Given the demand for new land in London, my gut is now attracting some interest from lowlifes in real estate. Apparently, even my belly button has potential. Curious parties should email my contacts and discuss ways to chop up this particular area of unprecedented growth.
Please do. The extra cash might help.
I’ve been trying to cut down on spending. I resolved to improve my ROI from 14% to 15%. Guess what? It has dipped to 13%. I’m mildly concerned. I might even console myself with another tub of Ben and Jerry’s.
I suspect my ROI has dipped as a consequence of my irritation. Poker is a very psychological game and everything is related:
Lower exercise levels=more irritation=lower ROI=more Ben and Jerry’s.
I am aware that I have definitely been in the wrong state of mind when I have played some sit ‘n goes. I found myself playing too aggressively at times, particularly when I was defending my blinds. I was stubborn. It is the biggest flaw in my game and it is far more likely to surface when I am irritated and unfit.
I have had slightly more success with the fourth resolution: save more money. I pledged I would try to reach a PTBB rate of 8.0 from 7.4. I ended January at a rate of 7.7. Improvement has been made, if not quite enough. However, I am reasonably happy. At times during January, the cash games have been so full of sedimentary rocks that I have half expected an excited geologist to appear and claim that the tables provide crucial evidence of the earth’s evolution.
However, I am more than happy with my progress towards learning a new skill. I managed to profit playing Omaha Hi/Lo. It wasn’t earth shattering – and certainly wouldn’t distract out geologist friend – but I made steady earnings at a new game and therefore reduced my ice cream consumption. I would recommend the experience.
I hope that your goals are progressing better than mine. It wouldn’t be hard. Regardless, it is important to review them and set modified challenges. Here are mine for February:
Exercise: walk every day for one hour. Do 10*50 sets of sit ups per day. Coerce my opponent to play badminton once per week.
Lose some weight: Bye-bye Ben & Jerry, hello broccoli and juice.
Cut down on spending: Return my ROI to 14%
Save some money: PTBB of 8.1
Learn a new skill: make 15 stacks profit at Omaha Hi/Lo.
I’ll post an update on the first Monday of March. By then, London should be back to normal. If I stick to my plan, so should my stomach.
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