From The Independent's guide book to the game:
Poker is as elaborate waste of human intelligence as you could find outside an advertising agency.
Raymond Chandler
Poker reveals to the frank observer something else of import - it will teach him about his own nature. Many bad players do not improve because they cannot bear self-knowledge.
David Mamet
Poker is a microcosm of all we admire and disdain about capitalism and democracy. It can be rough-hewn or polished, warm or cold, charitable and caring, or hard and impersonal, fickle and elusive, but ultimately it is fair, and right, and just.
Lou Krieger
Poker may be a branch of psychological warfare, an art form or indeed a way of life - but is also a game, in which money is simply the means of keeping score.
Anthony Holden.
Serious poker is no more about gambling than rock climbing is about taking risks.
Alfred Alvarez
Is it a reasonable thing, I ask you, for a grown man to run about and hit a ball? Poker's the only game fit for a grown man. Then, your hand is against every man's, and every man's is against yours. Teamwork? Who ever made a fortune by teamwork? There's only one way to make a fortune, and that's to down the fellow who's up against you.
W. Somerset Maugham
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