Thursday, July 24, 2008

The New Orleans Open

July can be a strange month.

In the UK, the forty day period beginning July 3 and ending August 11 is listed in The Old Farmer’s Almanac as the Dog Days.

They are believed to be an evil time ‘when the seas boiled, wine turned sour, dogs grew mad and creatures became languid, causing to man burning fevers, hysterics and phrensies.’

Although that was written in 1813, it clearly still has some relevance today as a trawl down the schedule of July poker tournaments reveals some evidence of creatures becoming languid as there are far fewer events than in more pre-canine times.

It is therefore impressive to see that a player from the UK managed to place 8th in The Orleans Open, a $2,000 NL event usually accustomed to solely rewarding our American friends.

The tournament managed only sixty-six entrants.

Although the top prize of $37,450 was taken by homeboy David Levi, Ali Sarkeshik made the trip from Northampton to the largest city in Louisiana and can add $5,620 to his collection of passport stamps.

The Orleans Open - $2,000NL July 20th

1. David Levi - $37,450
2. Ed Perry - $24,970
3. Scott Carpenter - $14,980
4. Christopher Amaral - $12,485
5. Timothy Herbert - $9,985
6. Sabyl Landrum - $8,115
7. Ben Fineman - $6,865
8. Ali Sarkeshik - $5,620
9. Roberto Mercer - $4,370

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