In the world of print media the months of July and August are sometimes known as silly season.
As governments go into recess and their elected representatives join normal people and take a summer holiday, half-empty newspaper offices feature pasty-faced hacks trying dredge up human interest stories.
In Britain, these tend to feature the weather, dog-shows or the latest humiliation for the England cricket team.
One man who has a long history of subjecting England’s cricketers to a dejected shuffle back to the pavilion is Australia’s Shane Warne.
The Sheikh of Tweak intends to exhibit his characteristic style of bowling and grooming in Las Vegas today. He is playing in a celebrity match with the Las Vegas cricket team, a group that promises an ability level akin to the Jamaican Ice dancing troupe. (Available for weddings, bar-mitzvahs and the 2009 WSOP)
The contest is part of an increasingly surreal build-up to the final of the WSOP and it seems to be have been organised with story-deprived journos in mind.
After a suspiciously short forty-five minutes of cricket, the players will retire and play in the African Charity poker tournament, an event that promises to be so exciting, it could withstand commentary from ex tennis pro Tim Henman.
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