Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 5 of the WPT

Although he is entitled to another year’s supply of almonds for being a sponsor’s Player of the Day, Gus Hansen is likely to be focused on the main reward on in the WPT event at Bellagio. After the 5th day, there are only six players left from the original 545 and Gus has a near 2m chip advantage over his closest rival, Cory Carroll.

As his physique suggests, Gus is not a man to succumb to the distraction of snacking. He has been known to make bets with individuals based on personal fitness goals and was a tennis champion in his youth. An obviously very self-motivated man, he has stated he learnt English from the liner notes on Pink Floyd albums and moved to New York to try to make it as a professional backgammon player.

His decision to leave the blots behind and turn a new page has proved to be highly lucrative: to date his poker earnings have topped $5,400,000 and he could yet roll away with the first prize of $3,389,140.

When play resumes on Saturday afternoon, the winner of People Magazine’s ‘Sexiest Poker Player’ title, will he hope that he can continue to have most points covered.
Final 6 at the WPT Bellagio:

1. Gus Hansen – DEN – 8,570,000
2. Cory Carroll – CAN – 6,670,000
3. David Chiu – CHI – 6,050,000
4. John Roveto – USA – 2,720,000
5. Tommy Le - USA - 1,950,000
6. Jeff King – ENG – 1,305,000

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